Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pictures, as promised

 Me excited at the airport
 A view from the window of our plane
 One of many construction sites in Berlin
 A unique way of storing cars found at Janet's hotel
 Der Ampelmann

 Das Deutsche Theater

 Everything here is so beautiful and green!

 A casual snapshot of our fellow Bahn passengers
 U-Bahn train from the outside.
 Janet proudly displaying some graffiti

 Der Alex Fernsehturm

 View from the S-Bahn

 One of many dogs casually wandering around Berlin without a leash.

 Ein Stolperstein
 Old East Berlin architecture juxtaposed with the saniert versions.

 Lugging Janet's stuff from one hotel to another


  1. Looks like you're having a great time! I am so happy for you. Make sure you take lots of pics and give us details. Would like to hear what you're seeing, doing and eating. What does the food taste like and what are those fernsehtern things. lol I am glad you're blogging so those of us at home can take the trip with you. Your airplane pic looks like you didn't get to sleep until noon. LOL jk...

    Have fun and be safe.

    Love you,


  2. Great photo-blog! Looks like your trip is off to a great start. Soak it all in!
